Renata Rozman

transformational holistic coach

I am living proof that things and people can change. And they can change for you, too. I did it and you can do it, too! I am a certified mastery method coach helping people through transformation with holistic views. My framework is based on alignment with mind, body and soul.

I have been blessed with the opportunity to support a significant number of individuals with wonderful results along this journey. I helped them discover their power within and helped them reach their full potentials. I helped them find the root causes of their pain and showed them a way to change them into their power. When we are aligned and create balance in every part of our lives, we will be able to live fully and freely.

Through this process I launched my coaching programme and I offer one to one coaching as well as small group workshops.

I believe you have the key within you to unlock your full potential
To turn your past emotional and physical pain into power
To shift all your past regrets into growth in the present and future

Discover who you are

Whether you found this site looking to end your battle with your inner pain, to learn to set your boundaries, to use your voice or to silence your mind telling you that you are not worthy or not good enough.

Whatever brought you here I want you to know that I am here for you and acknowledge your feelings.

I can relate to this because, I have been there, felt the pain and been unable to see the light. Even though I was open to experiencing new ways to feel free and whole. I, just like others could only find my shadow side my inauthentic self, that was operating from the place of pain. But I was not aware of the real causes, I could only see the symptoms.

Through various therapies, learning meditation and several other mindfulness and breathing techniques and with support from family and friends, I finally took the road towards discovering my inner truth and healing myself.

remove layers

I graduated as a health coach at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2006. I managed to remove layer after layer while learning something valuable from all my studies. Health conscious living for my body started then and there.

But the true healing started in Bali in 2019; I had had enough of living an inauthentic life and decided to surrender. It was difficult and painful time. At the end of 2021, I took a voluntary redundancy from a successful job in the broadcast media industry and left my 15 years of corporate life as well as my inauthentic side behind and allowed my intuition to guide me to find a way to serve and connect.

This new path led me to find the Institute for Coaching Mastery where my transformation from inauthentic into my authentic began. This is where I started turning pain into power while I learnt to become a masterful mindset coach.

Create balance

It has become my life mission to serve and support people like you. My vision is to serve and connect humans to fulfil their dreams and are able to live from their heart while creating conscious relationships with themselves and others with alignment in their mind, body and soul.

I have true faith in everyone, I firmly believe we can all shift from painful living into an empowered and free life embracing our wholeness. We can all claim our inherent worth and create the freedom we all deserve!

If you feel called to discover how to live this life, it would be my honour to assist you in co-creating and manifesting your vision.